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5 benefits of DIGIO's enterprise operations management solution

5 benefits of DIGIO's enterprise operations management solution

A digital working model that integrates technology and data will help reduce the issues that leaders are concerned about, enabling businesses to optimize productivity, manage remotely, and enhance employee experience. These are great benefits that MSM's DigiO solution brings to businesses

  1. A technology application that controls all business processes: All complex and extensive internal business processes such as operations management (approval, consultation, approval...); Administrative management (transportation, official correspondence, meeting schedule...); C & B (leave, timekeeping, payroll); Asset management; and processes related to external relations such as business management (customer-product), communication management (forums, announcements) are tightly controlled, easily monitored, and detected to solve problems on a system-wide scale.
  2. Save time, costs, manpower, and resources: Playing the role of a "paperless electronic office," DigiO helps businesses maximize administrative cost savings and optimize staff positions, helping to streamline human resources in a scientific and intelligent way.

  3. Optimize processes, optimize labor productivity: DigiO allows work to be processed anytime, anywhere. Plans, signed documents, reports, signatures... are digitized to create a seamless and consistent flow from departments, subsidiaries to the highest level of leadership; minimizing work stagnation, forgetting tasks, and slow progress.

  4. Enhance connectivity and cohesion within the business: Digitized information helps users access information quickly and clearly, helping businesses build a cohesive, unified culture.

  5. Integration with many large systems: DigiO solution users can experience smooth operation on the App and Web. DigiO is also ready to integrate with existing basic systems of the business such as CRM, Oracle, ERP, BI reporting...

Developed by MSM technology experts since 2015, the DigiO (Digital Office) business operation management solution is a successful highlight of MSM, with a series of large corporations and enterprises applying DigiO solution system-wide (TTC, Kim Oanh, IGC, Pandemos...). With a kick-off time of only 2-3 months, DigiO is a timely and highly effective solution for businesses, helping them quickly stabilize to develop production and business in the "new normal" state.

Source: MSM


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