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MSM's 6-Month Review: Steady Progress, Leveraging the Value of Human Resources

MSM's 6-Month Review: Steady Progress, Leveraging the Value of Human Resources

At the midterm review, departments and teams reported on their activities and results for the first six months of 2022. Despite the ongoing impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, the company has made significant progress.

  • In terms of human resources: The company has developed a team of over 100 technology experts and specialists.
  • In terms of policies and benefits: Employee rights and benefits are fully guaranteed, and cultural, sports, and employee networking activities are taken care of.
  • In terms of business development: The company continues to seek and expand its customer base, signing contracts with many new clients. Additionally, the company has diversified its product lines, built a specialized and effective MSM Ecosystem, and applied it to many business sectors. According to the management team, the greatest success that MSM has achieved in recent times is the increasingly skilled MSM-er team, who prioritize self-management and self-learning and are ready to integrate into the international arena. Some photos of the Midterm Review:
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(Source: MSM)

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